Monday 8 August 2016

Jesus "as" Wisdom

Proverbs 13:14
The law of the wise is a fountain of life, to depart from the snares of death.

In Old Testament, Jesus was being referred to as Wisdom in many verses. In fact, when we carefully analyze New Testament and Old Testament; we see a similarity in the commandments/teachings which are often referred as law. When Jesus tells us about how to live and how to conduct ourselves in New Testament you will notice that all those things are being addressed in Old Testament with the wisdom imparted from Heavenly Father as the central figure. So wisdom and Jesus being interchangeable in many aspects, we can safely say that “wisdom” of Old Testament is same as “Jesus” of New Testament. And that is exactly what this verse depicts us. The law of the wise means the law of Jesus; and that law saves us from the snares of death, i.e. eternal death.
As a Christian our priority should be achieving the “eternal life” and that we can achieve only by following the wise, i.e. Jesus. His laws and his ways are impeccable and nothing can beat us if we allow our life to be governed by him. Anybody can have knowledge but wisdom is to use that knowledge aright and that is what Jesus is all about in our lives.
So next time you pray simply, ask God to usher his wisdom onto you and you will see your life change forever.

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