Friday 2 September 2016

Promise till Eternity

Romans 6:8
Now if we be dead with Christ, we believe that we shall also live with him:

This verse is especially for those who still have slightest of doubt as to whether we would attain heaven or hell after our physical death. Remember, when you die with Jesus; i.e. living your life for him, you would definitely live with him not only on earth but also will get to live with him in heaven. That is the grace of our Lord Jesus. Once you accept him fully; he would never ever leave you. Now, that testifies his immense love and compassion for us. All you have to do is accept him without any skepticism and he will be with you forever and ever. Remember that your doubts would only cast shadows on his unending love towards you. Rejoice in his faithfulness and his eternal friendship. Things of this world including people would betray you or leave you, but our mighty Lord Jesus would never forsake us.

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