Tuesday 25 October 2016

Jesus came to save us; Who were LOST....

Luke 19:10

For the Son of man is come to seek and to save that which was lost.

Jesus came on this earth to help mankind, which was lost in sin. We still need him as much as humans needed him 2000 years back. Satan has enticed us with his gimmicks from the very beginning. Since God entrusted us with our wish, Adam and Eve got deceived. But, our heavenly father loves us to an extent that he gave his son (John 3:16) for our sins. He came to save us; we who were lost, who were deceived by satan.
Can we do anything without our mighty Jesus? The answer to this question is NO. Because he is the Light (John 8:12) and through him only we can attain salvation (John 14:6). Why does this verse say “save that which was lost”? The answer to this is very simple; WE are all lost people, We live in darkness, therefore Jesus came as a light to enlightened us as to what our purpose in life should be, he was crucified so that our sins could be washed and we could be in front of our Heavenly Father as he wants us to be (He wants us to be like Adam and Eve before they got deceived).

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