Saturday 4 June 2016

Don't let your tongue do the talking

Proverbs 14:3
In the mouth of the foolish is a rod of pride: but the lips of the wise shall preserve them.

Talk to a person who holds no fear, no obedience and no faith in God and immediately you will come across his sheer stupidity and vagueness in the speech of that person. That person would be full of pride and ego; self-proclaiming King of his achievements (if any). On the other hand meet a person who has given his life to  God and is a faithful servant of Jesus; you will enjoy his charm and his success as your success because he won’t be boastful of things he has achieved instead he will glorify God for all his works and achievements (which would be plenty).
Our tongue is one of the smallest parts of our body yet; it is probably second only to brain as far as power is concerned. The majority of the battles in past were because one of the King’s couldn’t control his tongue and without thinking twice gave a challenge to his opponent through his tongue. A wise Godly man will never open his mouth to denounce someone, whereas be rest assured that a foolish would do completely opposite since he derives immense pleasure by putting someone down.
Don’t allow your tongue to wag extraneously as the repercussions of it is facing the wrath of God. Let your mouth be polite towards others and let you tongue be forgiving in nature for the reward of forgiving is getting forgiven by God (Matthew 6:14).

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