Wednesday 8 June 2016

Commitment and Obedience

Proverbs 16:3
Commit thy works unto the LORD, and thy thoughts shall be established.

The moment you let God work in your life, you set yourself free from all troubles and anxieties of life. Cast your anxieties on Lord (1 Peter 5:7) and he will take care of your success. Our thoughts might be governed by satan and may be evil because those would be selfish in nature but his ways are righteous (Psalm 145:17) and correct. Whatever we desire in our life let it work out as per God’s will and ways. You will feel immense satisfaction and will see getting triumph in life. We lack commitment and complete obedience in Lord for our work because of consternation which in itself is devilish in nature.
Whatever work you want to begin; start it with a prayer and with his will because that is the key to righteous way. Often we forget to ask for his will which results in us being laggards in that work. That’s why unabridged commitment and complete obedience in Jesus serves as a precautionary remedy for any future disaster. Depend on God’s providence and grace for assistance and success.

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