Monday 6 June 2016


Psalm 3:3
But thou, O Lord, art a shield for me; my glory, and the lifter up of mine head.

When you have God in your life you would walk with a “Godly Pride” and not a “Worldly Pride”. The power of Jesus engulfs you and protects you from a possible attack from satan. When you walk with God you will carry a special aroma of glory with you which others can feel and sense. People will be spellbound by the Glory of Jesus that you carry.
God creates a kind of “Halo” effect around your body to protect you from evil; only if you look at him and trust in him. Your walk with God is a journey which will carry on with you till eternity because to be in heaven you have to constantly intercede with God.
No matter how many atrocities you face; with God, you head will always be held high because of the gratification your spirit will experience in him. People with weak faith will easily falter the moment satan attacks them.
John 16:33 talks about the reality which Jesus tells; “tribulations in world” but he also says clearly that he overcame all the tribulations so shall we in His name. Jesus knew about the troubles you will face while walking with him but always remember your faith in him will decide whether you will be able to overcome it with dignity or will falter in between resulting in torrid times ahead.

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