Friday 24 June 2016

Give Love Receive Love

Luke 6:31
And as ye would that men should do to you, do ye also to them likewise.

These are the words of our Lord; Jesus Christ. So simple yet so powerful. Behave in a way that you want others to behave with you, speak in a way that you want others to speak with you, think of them in a way that you want them to think about you. That is basically, how we all should live our lives. Having love, mercy and compassion for others are the traits that Jesus demands of us.
Life would become a bed of roses if every person behaves with others compassionately and with a kind heart. Jesus also instructs us to love one another (Mark 12:31). An altruistic person is not only a blessing for others but he also earns blessings of God for himself. In entire New Testament Jesus plays the role of a luminary to perfection. Our duty is to follow his footsteps and try to achieve what is instructed us to do.
By behaving affectionately with others we not only keep Jesus command but we also win the heart of the person for whom we are affectionate. Love is something which will blossom more if it spreads. Let’s from today forget about our past and only work on improving ourselves by following Jesus and his decree. Amen

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