Saturday 23 July 2016

God's Number

Jeremiah 33:3
Call unto me, and I will answer thee, and show thee great and mighty things, which thou knowest not.

Jeremiah 33:3 is also known as God’s phone number by Jeremiah 333. Whenever we are in trouble or in an emergency you can dial Jeremiah 333 and God will answer you. Our God is a God of love, compassion, and mercy, he doesn’t want his people to be in affliction and pain and that is why he says “call unto me”. We forget to call and seek God’s advice in distress, instead we listen to people around us. Are they capable enough to guide us or to solve our problems? The answer is no (Psalm 118:8). We humans are not equipped to turn affliction into joy only; Jesus our savior has that power and authority. If we try and take anyone’s help other than God, we would only be inviting trouble because it would be like an invitation for satan to interfere in our life and take control of it. Which in the hindsight would be catastrophic.
Every day, everyone goes through a rough patch and that is why God has instructed through this verse to come to him and not to go astray in troubled times. With God, everything is possible (Matthew 19:26). He has the power and dominion over everything but because of his love towards mankind he gave us the freedom of “will”. And with that will we have the choice of choosing our creator as our “savior” or the one who deceived mankind in beginning (Adam and Eve). Choose carefully and dial the right number.

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