Monday 11 July 2016

Jesus as Light

John 12:46
I am come a light into the world, that whosoever believeth on me should not abide in darkness.

Isn’t that a powerful statement. We all live in darkness before accepting Jesus in our life. We are being misguided by worldly things and we assume that living lavish life is our purpose of existence. Darkness engulfs us and we are being surrounded by satan and we keep committing sin.
Only when Jesus comes in our life we understand the power of light that he brings in our life. Gravitas of his presence can only be felt when we come out the dark world i.e. worldly life. John 14:6 is a vindication of what Jesus talks about in John 12:46. Life of darkness is life full of sin whereas life with Jesus is full of love and compassion and ultimately attaining heaven. We all are sinners and we needed that savior in our life to save our souls and for the very same God gave his only son to us (John 3:16) so that God’s own beautiful creation “man” (Genesis 1:27) can be saved from disastrous life in hell. Once a man sees that light which is Jesus he will come out darkness and experience happiness and satisfaction on earth and a place in heaven.

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