Monday 18 July 2016

Have your eyes and ears on God

Mark 8:18
Having eyes, see ye not? And having ears, hear ye not? And do ye not remember?

We all have eyes and ears but still fail to understand the Love of God. We fail to see his love and compassion for human beings which is everlasting (Psalm 103:17), we fail to listen to his voice even when we have ears. Remember how “Eve” got deceived and surrendered her will to the serpent and ate that fruit from the tree (Genesis 3). God had instructed both Adam and Eve not to eat from that tree; but what they did?, they did exactly the opposite of it. Similarly, we even after having eyes to see; and ears to listen to commandments of God miserably fail to adhere to it. We don’t remember the story of Adam and Eve, we forget the story of Samson; and how they got deceived and paid the price of it. Why? Why don’t we remember and understand God’s love and glory?
Samson was a blessed child of God and had the capability to destroy his enemies alone but he too fell into the trap of a woman and gave away his powers given by God to his lustful desires. Now, those lustful desires were nothing but satanic desires which bypassed the commandments of God and tempted Samson to get deceived. We are no different from Samson. We have eyes to read Bible yet our haughty eyes gets deceived, we have ears but they only want to hear “self-praise” and eventually falls in the trap of evil and gets deceived. So, Jesus here is trying to remind us that from the very beginning we have everything required to focus on God but we forget what gifts he has granted to us and fall into the trap of lucifer.

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