Tuesday 19 July 2016

Learn from Jesus

1 Peter 4:1
Forasmuch then as Christ hath suffered for us in the flesh, arm yourselves likewise with the same mind: for he that hath suffered in the flesh hath ceased from sin

Main reason for not letting go of sins is our comfort and luxurious lifestyle. We simply aren’t willing to forgo it. We just keep on clinging to it because letting go of luxuries in life are extremely tough. Helping the needy in scorching heat seems a difficult task these days because we are spending our precious time in comfort of air conditioners; aren’t we?. We are more concerned as to who tagged or poked us on facebook and whose message we have received on WhatsApp rather than knowing the condition of a poor who hasn’t had food for days. We turn a blind eye to them or we causally sympathize with them thinking in our heart what miserable life they are living. But, people forget it’s written in Bible that apart from faith our deeds are equally important (James 2:1). Jesus suffered for us, for our sins. Can’t he be our role model apart from being our God? Aren’t we willing to learn from his life, aren’t we supposed to help the deprived one’s so that their faith would also increase because they would presume that their prayers have been answered by God through us. When will we show to the world our faith in Jesus through our deeds? Jesus himself said that if we want to follow him we will have to take up our cross alone (Matthew 16:24) and here by the cross, he wanted to convey the pain/suffering he took for humankind. Like he carried the burden of entire mankind similarly we should try and take others burden and help them to reduce it. When God blesses us with something, he actually wants to use us for others. What is the use of earning money and not using it for philanthropy? What is the use of your education when you can’t impart your gained education to an underprivileged child who doesn’t have means to get himself educated?
So, always remember Jesus has taught us to be altruistic and we should learn that lesson from him and implement it.  

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